Under the Influence of Giants is one of those bands that you can't NOT have in your CD collection (or digital collection for all my music downloading/stealing comrades). Just going by the first single, "Mama's Room," this CD is going to be awesome (I say it's "going to be" because I have yet to acquire it, even though it's out already. But seeing as I have no car, you cannot blame me for taking a while to get down to the nearest record store).

"Mama's Room" starts with a steady drum beat (provided by Jamin Wilcox) and an unrelenting guitar riff (courtesy of Drew Stewart) that continues throughout the tune. If you have a pulse, you're tapping your foot or bobbing your head. You're into it. Don't lie. The beat leads you, logically, into the young, sweet sounding pop voice of the lead singer Aaron Bruno, and the funk-driven bass line of David Amezcua.
Lyrically, the song is about trying to seduce someone in your mother's bedroom, the band's website says. "Makin' love in Mama's room / takin' all I can from you," the falsetto in the chorus tells you. "And then you go, go, go / go, go, go." Amen.
Kinkiness aside, the song is just so damn catchy, you're singing it too. It's reminiscent of the Bee Gees or another equally disco but talented group. It's hard to believe it's just a bunch of 20-somethings in a band whose lineup wasn't solidified until just under a year ago.
Under the Influence of Giants' debut album, Under the Influence of Giants, is available in stores now from Island Records. I'm going to grab a copy of it, and I suggest you do the same.
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